The market growth of Renewable Energy Sources in Greece has started and continues dynamically with high investment interest regarding the installation of new solar projects. Alumil Solar, as a leading company in the design and production of mounting systems for photovoltaic panels, continues its dynamic presence in the industry, providing a wide range of products and meeting the diverse and demanding needs of photovoltaic projects.
Since the beginning of this year, Alumil Solar has participated in numerous solar projects installed either in the countryside or on industrial and domestic roofs, while the total installed capacity of the projects amounts to 45MW.
The wide range of products offered by Alumil Solar provides solutions in various solar panel applications, achieving a high return on investment. The carefully designed mounting systems are delivered pre-assembled accompanied by a 20-year warranty that guarantees easy and fast installation, reducing the required time by up to 30%. Thus, in addition to the product quality warranty, thanks to the quality assurance process followed during the pre-assembly, a multitude of advantages are provided as well. These include maintaining a safe deposit and providing prompt delivery, easy transportation of all necessary materials to the installation site, and all necessary components in bulk.
Greece, as a high growth market in the Renewable Energy Sector, is expected to be an important investment point for the rest of 2021, offering various advantages both in the short and long term. Alumil Solar is committed to keeping developing products that maximize the return on investment and providing comprehensive technical support services from the start to the completion of every project.